If you’re new to web design or are having trouble making your websites look great while functioning properly, you can make some fundamental basic tweaks for a better result.
A great website is more than just having all the bells and whistles; it is also about knowing how to strategically and aesthetically place your content.
In addition, a website must have clear call-to-action prompts that guide the visitor and help them seamlessly navigate to where they want to go.
Creating a business website aims to attract new customers, increase conversion, and increase user engagement.
According to a survey from web design company NJ, the top ten common web design mistakes are listed below. Along with tips on avoiding them and improving customer engagement.
Here are the following top 10 Most Common Web Design Mistakes to Avoid in 2023:
1. Prioritizing personalized templates:
Many service providers on the internet offer “customized” website templates. Do-it-yourself websites commonly use them. At the same time, they are very cheap. However, in most cases, the templates are inexpensive because they appear to be cheap.
When combined with their titles and some terrible styled navigation, your website will look generic and unrelated to your brand, so you should avoid using them. And it is abundantly clear that if you prioritize personalized templates, you will never have the opportunity to stand out from your competitors.
2. Too many (or too few) images:
Using too few or too many images, as with too much copy, can negatively impact web design and SEO. How significant are high-quality images? According to recent studies, visual searches will generate $14,727 million in revenue by 2023.
Images not only brighten but also increase the revenue of your website. However, keep in mind that overloading your website’s design with images can significantly slow down its load time, so balancing striking design and page optimization can be a delicate balancing act. Remember to consider how your website will appear on mobile devices.
3. Large amounts of text and the use of centered text:
Large amounts of centered text on a website appear messy, but they are also difficult to read and follow. There is a reason why the left-aligned text is used in books, magazines, newspapers, and blogs.

If subheadings are unnecessary, divide your text into paragraphs with sufficient spacing to make it quicker for the reader to navigate large amounts of text. If possible, avoid large blocks of the text altogether, but in some cases, it is necessary.
4. Failure to include social media content on your website:
One of the most common blunders in web design is ineffective social media marketing. Because off-page SEO frequently comes from social media, a social media button is essential for organic traffic.
People want to interact with brands before making a purchase. A new Sprout study found that one out of every three customers uses social media to learn about new services and products. Furthermore, one in every four consumers purchases new products through social media.
You must include social media buttons on your website to please search engines and new users.
5. Ignoring your website’s mobile view:
Everyone knows that accessing the internet via mobile devices has surpassed desktop computers. However, we have seen organizations that do not have mobile-friendly websites.

One of business owners’ most common mistakes is ignoring this. However, we’re almost 2023, and having a responsive web design is no longer just a great idea; it’s an absolute must.
6. Inconsistency in page design:
When pages on the same website have too many web design differences, users become confused because switching to another section may appear to be going to a completely different website. Furthermore, if the positioning of the navigation block varies from page to page, the site appears disjointed.
To keep the design consistent:
- Check that all pages have consistent vertical and horizontal spacing between elements.
- Titles on different pages should be the same size.
- Please don’t move the navigation on different pages (unless you know what you’re doing and it’s justified).
- Maintain consistent link formatting.
- Use the same style of icons.
- Keep the form consistent.
7. Impersonal stock photography/poor photography:
Photography is frequently used to supplement the content on a website. No matter how beautiful your web design is, bad or poor-quality photography will significantly impact its visual and emotional qualities.
Stock images are an excellent way to introduce high-quality photography to a website, especially if a custom photoshoot is not feasible due to a lack of funds or time. Stock photos are often easily identified as such. However, some excellent New Zealand-based commercial image banks now provide distinctively local, high-quality content from top photographers across Aotearoa.
8. Stuffing keywords:
Keywords are one of the most effective methods of optimizing your website. However, stuffing keywords makes your website appear robotic and overly promotional, which neither Google nor users like. Therefore, a keyword density of 1-1.5 percent is ideal for SEO purposes.

In addition, Google now makes use of intent. Remember that Googlebot is extremely intelligent, so instead of using exact key phrases, modify them to fit in the sentence without appearing stuffed.
9. Including too many unnecessary elements results in a cluttered website:
Because of the nature of our work as NJ website designers, we are constantly challenged to come up with new ideas. On the other hand, not every idea merits implementation. End-users will be confused if a website has too many elements.
As a result, to improve the user experience, we should remove specific components that are of no use to your customers. Therefore, you will need a strong user experience approach to achieve your optimization goals.
10. Paying insufficient attention to CTAs:
Many people will agree that a website is not the most powerful marketing tool ever devised. Why? There is one significant reason. A successful website must be capable of converting visitors into customers quickly. However, your website will be unable to achieve this if it lacks a visible and unambiguous Call-To-Action (CTA). For example, it could encourage visitors to buy your products or services or to download something from your website.
Finally, the most common mistakes in web design are frequently caused by inexperienced designers losing focus on the needs of their clients and focusing more on the visual attractiveness of their designs than on problem-solving. It’s a dead end, so before you start designing, ensure you fully understand your client’s needs and have received all the information needed to create a high-quality product.
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