Modern telecommunications networks must include Signaling System 7 or (SS7). It will soon transition to IP networks and evolve to IP-centric architectures like IP Multimedia Subsystem or (IMS), but it will still be the common thread connecting all telecommunication networks. Various network services & capabilities can be signaled and controlled using this communications protocol. SS7 offers different protocol levels for connection-oriented and connection-less (database) signaling in fixed & mobile networks because it is a layered protocol.
What is Signaling System 7 or (SS7)?
A common channel for signaling No. 7 is Signaling System 7 or (SS7). The vast majority of phone exchanges are configured using this network, which consists of a collection of telephone signaling protocols. With this technology, you may create a smart phone network that will offer extensive functionality to end users and a chance for convergence (for instance, with VoIP-networks & public switched telephone network).
Types of SS7 Node
Channels and nodes are part of the SS7 network. The physical components of Signaling System 7 or (SS7) are known as nodes, whilst the signaling routes used for data exchange between nodes are known as channels.

SS7 networks frequently employ three devices:
- signal transmission apparatus; service switching point (SSP);
- service switching device (STP – the Signal Transfer Point)
- Another alarm device is a device management service (SCP – the Service Control Point).
Benefits Galore
It is the expansion of services sans needing to buy new hardware. Operators can now produce new services because of the advent of SS7. Thus, there is no requirement to upgrade to new equipment. You can now execute the following services as a result of the launch of SS7:
- Conference
- Call Hold
- Automatic Redirect
- Blocking Subscriber Numbers
- Automatic Caller ID
- Conversion of Phone Numbers
You receive a global organizational framework for messaging, voice & data networking, and telephone network maintenance. The protocol begins sharing user data, call routing, billing, and interaction with the intelligent services as soon as the connection is made.
Identify and fix security issues. Since moving to a different signaling channel, the subscriber no longer has access to the previous channel.
The packet-switched network is available for use. A highly obvious example of the development of the open information systems is this. Communication network SS7 is a crucial connection between IP-based communication networks and circuit-switched networks.
The SS7 signaling system enables the establishment of high-speed connections and the transfer of data (without loss/duplication), switches traffic to backup channels in the event of a breakdown, and provides a practical framework for handling messages broadcast phone number.
High-performance- At the switching station, equipment performance (service 1,000 call signaling channel) and reliability are many times lower (due to the alternative signal routing, & redundancy of channels).
Where to Utilize SS7?
The SS7 network is utilized in wireless networks and is intended for the operators of local and long-distance communication. I might go one step further and claim that the SS7 telephone network is now practically inseparable from the cellular & telephone networks and in public telephone networks, not during the first ten years of service.
The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) adopted the SS7 standard, but localized versions of SS7 have different properties depending on the country.

The procedures & protocols via which the device (the switching stations) in fact can communicate information in networks PSTN are defined by the SS7 standard. Information about connection setup and routing is sent over SS7 channels.
The dedicated signaling network (a digital overlay network) with channels running at 56/64 kbit/s can be used in SS7 networks by PSTN. It is more dependable and secure because to the unique SS7 network & backup channels.
Why Use the SS7?
Broadband networks & computer telephony applications are included in the SS7 signaling network’s range of uses.
The widespread use of SS7 will determine how public telephone networks develop moving forward. It is more dependable and secure since the channels are used to send SS7 data connection setup and routing, as well as a dedicated network & reservation channels.
Both the idea of intelligent networks & contemporary conceptions of convergent networks are rapidly developing thanks to technology.
Intelligent services are built on top of the SS7 signaling network. Using the appropriate protocols, they can be implemented in the telephone network and as a packet. The most important thing is to use it for any communication tasks or application if you require access to telephone networks.
The signaling message exchange is governed by the SS7 protocols. Even though it has been around for a long time, 2G & 3G networks still use it today.
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