As one of the most used social media platforms, Instagram monthly users have reached 1.39 billion. It is remarkable growth for any social-interactive platform.
Developers and maintainers of Instagram always strive to give their users a unique and smooth experience to see and make content for their entertainment and living, respectively. To do so, they continue to improve all the nitty gritty.
It is vital to give a striking outlook, excellent user interface, and user experience to elevate its users and ensure maximum revenue growth. Social media has become a massive industry for creators to earn a living and produce jobs.
This article unfolds the most significant and recent Instagram updates of 2022 that you need to know about for sure.
Suppose you are a content creator or a digital marketing specialist always looking to maximize the reach and growth of your Instagram page. In that case, this article will significantly help you as it covers the most important updates that favor you.
Before digging into the details, a content creator or marketer needs to increase their followers and, consequently, the engagement on their social page.
If your followers are not increasing and your overall growth is not happening instead, you are uploading fantastic content and are consistent as well; make a quick decision then and buy real Instagram followers.
As it helps a lot, and because there are a lot of services out there that get you genuine followers, that not only increases your overall follower’s number but engagement on your page as well.
Before any further delay, let’s get straight into the main thing of letting you know some exciting updates on Instagram in 2022.
Extended duration of Instagram stories
If you always had something more to say in one go on your Instagram stories, this update will be a great one for you. Now you can enjoy talking your heart out or giving out important information in your Instagram stories.

For good, Instagram has now allowed its users to put up and record their stories of up to sixty seconds. Isn’t it great? In the recent update, you get rid of the small 15 seconds allowed duration for an Instagram story.
Pinning the famous and old content at the top
Instagram has now allowed us to pin the most famous, liked, and your favorite video or still to pin on the top. You can pin up to three posts in the feed horizontally.
If you are running a business, it is a great way to showcase any discount offers or any major announcement that you would like your audience to know upfront.
This feature was available on other platforms, but it was worth adding to Instagram now as it allows you to showcase one of the best content.
Instagram videos turned into reels.
Now you only see the reels in your Instagram feeds popping whenever you open a video. Instagram has been working on turning the videos into reels as it looks excellent, precise, and enjoyable.
Instagram reels hold the duration of 15 seconds to up to one minute, allowing you to create magic by using several editing tools within. You can choose from multiple effects, place text on video, record your voice, and add music.
Now with every video, you will have access to all the features mentioned above that Instagram has introduced in making the reels. It will make users make more engaging, subtle videos holding a great experience for viewers.
Instagram algorithm update–all you need to know
It is an essential element to know about as anyone’s profile or business growth relies on the fact that you act accordingly to the algorithm of social sites to grow and make your content stand out.
It has been a secret all along to crack the algorithm of Instagram. Still, it has been shared by the site’s professionals, telling the audience every nitty-gritty of the algorithm so the one looking to grow can apply all that is necessary.
Instagram promotes the posts as per their number of likes, comments, and how many times it has been saved. If the overall number is more significant, the chances are that your post will pop up in the maximum number of feeds.
On the contrary, Instagram shows you the content mostly that you have liked and the content of people who have mutual likes as you.
The more you are engaging with accounts, the higher the chances that Instagram will show you the related content depending on the frequency of your engagements.

And in the explore section, you might see the content that you never liked, but it is because the people you are engaging with most likely engage with the content shown in the explore section.
Consequently, if you are engaging with a particular type of content, then Instagram will show you the related content and the content of those with whom you are engaging.
Map search option
Instagram has done a fantastic job by adding the map search option in the search engine. It is similar to the google Maps search option where you can find the places near and around you.
If you search the name of a business, Instagram will allow you to see their places and the related public posts of the page search. However, this option proves that Instagram’s owners are eager to make it as optimized as possible.
The hidden likes feature is optional now.
Unlike other social platforms, Instagram has allowed you to hide your likes. In the beginning, it was not optional for you to decide whether you could hide your likes or not.
But now, it is optional for good; now, you can decide whether you want to show your total number of likes publicly or not. If you want to hide the likes, you can turn it on by clicking on the post’s top right corner to select the hide the like count option.
New stickers are here.
Interactive stickers on Instagram stories look great, making them more engaging and fun.
The interactive stickers have been there for a long time, and new ones have now been added to the store.

If you click on the search bar in the upper section of stories and search for any word relevant to your story’s content, it will show you multiple options of stickers available for you.
All you need to do is to find the relevant and the most fun ones.
Let’s end it here
Instagram is becoming more user-friendly day by day, giving its users a great experience and updated features that make Instagram not only fun to use but easy and straightforward to engage with other people globally.
It has become a compulsion for social sites to become more optimized and equipped with more features. Almost 80 percent of the total population globally tends to use these social media platforms, so they need to give new and significant updates.
This article was all about introducing the hot features that Instagram updated in 2002 and ending it right here with high hopes that it has given you all the critical insights you were looking for.
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